Gas station without pumps

2017 March 1

Twenty-first weight progress report

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This post is yet another weight progress report, continuing the previous one, this being the 21st since I started in January 2015.  I did not report at the end of January 2017, in part because I was embarrassed about not having dropped the excess holiday weight during the month, despite fairly strict adherence to my raw-fruit-and-vegetable-lunch diet. February has been a bit better:

I still want to lose another 4–5 pounds to get myself back into the middle of my self-imposed target range.

I still want to lose another 4–5 pounds to get myself back into the middle of my self-imposed target range.


I did drop back into my target range for a few days at the end of February, in part due to a bad cold that reduced my appetite for a week or more.

I did drop back into my target range for a few days at the end of February, in part due to a bad cold that reduced my appetite for a week or more.

My goal for this quarter was to get my weight back down to 158 lbs, another 4-pound loss, which seems a bit unlikely in the remaining month, as my rate of loss has been only about a pound a month, not a pound a week (as it was when I started the diet in January 2015).

I can’t report precisely on my exercise for the past month, as my bike computer’s battery failed yesterday, and I lost the mileage information when I replaced the battery.  I have been bicycling to campus 5 days a week though, plus occasional weekend errands, so I’ve probably been averaging about 35 miles a week (5 miles a day).