Gas station without pumps

2024 June 29


Filed under: Uncategorized — gasstationwithoutpumps @ 17:53
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Well, it finally happened.  After over 4 years of avoiding COVID, my wife and I both finally caught it—probably during our trip to Rhode Island for a family wedding.  I had a cold during the trip, but tested negative for COVID on June 14 and June 24, but then tested positive on June 27.  My wife tested positive on June 22, so she probably picked up the virus on the trip, and I then got it from her.

I’d been offered an extra booster of COVID vaccine on June 11, and I now wonder whether I should have gotten it—whether it would have helped at all.  (I did get a Bexsero menningococcal B vaccine that day, and I didn’t feel like getting two vaccinations so close to when I was traveling.)

I’ll continue staying home for a few more days, then (if I’m feeling better), I’ll go back to my “movement for performers” class wearing a mask.


  1. OMG!! Please, with all we know now essentially proving yet another conspiracy theory true, why would anyone consider getting any mRNA vaccines? And especially the COVID vaccines! They are killing at least ten times more than have been killed by COVID disease. This is no longer a debateable topic. What research have you been going by? And trusting your doctor’s advice is not a viable response unfortunately.
    Please don’t take this as a personal insult. It’s not in any way. You are not alone unfortunately in this.

    Comment by Torin — 2024 June 29 @ 19:57 | Reply

    • Because “with all we know” the mRNA vaccines are incredibly effective and safe. They have not killed or injured many people—far less than 1% of those killed by COVID—so it is indeed not a “debatable topic”. You are quite simply badly misinformed. I will allow you this comment, but if you persist in attempting to spread disinformation via comments in my blog, I will block you.

      Comment by gasstationwithoutpumps — 2024 June 29 @ 20:01 | Reply

      • Block me then. I’m a physician. I’ve been over all the data. You are grossly mistaken. Please read the journals. I’m not attacking your judgement and I’m happy to provide you with the data. If you believe I’m wrong then I’m begging you to back your statement and your labelling me as misinformed with evidence. Steve Kirsch offered 10 million dollars to anyone that would debate him on the stage at MIT and on several live streams. Zero takers! I’ve offered rewards to anyone on my FB page to back that position and also no takers. You’ll find to your dismay and enlightenment that there’s absolutely no way to do it. There’s a reason Fauci is in front of Congress being lambasted.

        Comment by Torin — 2024 June 29 @ 20:11 | Reply

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